Reducing Clutter

Bloganuary writing prompt
Where can you reduce clutter in your life?

I have been waiting for a perfect time to do this, however I wasn’t sure if it’s literal clutter like on desks or something more abstract. However, I started cleaning out my desk to get rid of the clutter that I really didn’t need anymore, and it actually improved my mental health just a bit.

A few things

Bloganuary writing prompt
If you could make your pet understand one thing, what would it be?

This is Freddy. He’s 7 years old. There are a few things I would like for him to understand (I know it says one, but anyway)

When it’s midnight, I like to sleep, thanks.

Treats are once a day

We share a bathroom (his litter box is in my bathroom)

And if nothing else… stop eating my earphones.

A long life

Bloganuary writing prompt
What are your thoughts on the concept of living a very long life?

You’ve seen all these stories of centennials giving us tips on how to live past 10o. I noticed that they didn’t mention having some sort of health issue along the way that would have shortened those lives, so my thought is this: I would love to hear about someone who has lived through 100 despite those health setbacks while also giving us tips on how to live that long.

Personally, I don’t see myself live to 100, but I would be lucky if that time comes.

The Lottery

Daily writing prompt
What would you do if you won the lottery?

First of all, does anybody here play the lottery? I don’t, for the most part, but I do have ideas if I do play (and win it all)

Besides paying off bills and such (and giving some to Uncle Sam, of course), I would save most of it up for a rainy day and use whatever I have left over sparingly to avoid people thinking I’m a millionaire. However, I live in Florida, so if I win, I can’t stay anonymous (boo!).

Good leaders are hard to come by

Daily writing prompt
What makes a good leader?

Honestly, they are hard to come by. It seems like every “leader” we have here is either vindictive, in it to boost their own ego or wants an easy ride (or all three)

I just want a leader who respects people for who they are and their character, someone who isn’t money-hungry but is in it to benefit others, and someone who actually knows what they’re doing and understands the responsibility that comes with it.

Watching Sports

Daily writing prompt
What are your favorite sports to watch and play?

I am terrible at sports (except bowling occasionally), but lately, I’ve been watching a lot of football and basketball games. I sometimes watch baseball and soccer. I don’t really watch hockey often except during the playoffs.

As for my favorite teams: Obviously, since I live in Central Florida, I gotta go with the Orlando Magic, but I’ve also been keeping an eye on the Philadelphia Eagles, Phoenix Suns, Arizona Diamondbacks, and Boston Celtics, to name a few

Why did I make this post in the morning?

Daily writing prompt
What snack would you eat right now?

A fun one, here we go.

It’s funny I’m making this post in the morning to have it scheduled in the afternoon, but I would eat Cheddar Cheese flavored Ruffles with cheese dip right now. I have the chips but I’m using Salsa dip (because I don’t have cheese dip) so it also works.

Drop your favorite snack below in the comments.

Online Communication

Daily writing prompt
In what ways do you communicate online?

I basically grew up on these, let’s put it that way.

I communicate mostly by social media these days. I’m currently on Reddit, Twitter, Threads, Mastodon (though that has become a dumping ground for the blog posts), BlueSky, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. I also have Facebook, but I’ve been using that lately as part of my image collection for my series. And this year, I hope to add my blog to my long list of communication tools.

How do you communicate online? Let me know in the comments below.

Going into 2024

Daily writing prompt
What are your biggest challenges?

First of all, Happy New Year to everyone here at WordPress.

My biggest challenge is letting myself get loose a little bit. I had been holding back for so long, but I’ll make it a point this year to get myself into a routine that sticks and let out my personality a little. And to have my brain work with me because y’all.

Last Prompt of the Year

Daily writing prompt
What could you do differently?

Given the things that have happened in my life this year, I think what I would do differently next year is to lean more into my health and also set an actual routine. Neurodivergents know what I’m talking about when it comes to routines, we are the worst in that category. Or maybe not and it’s just me, but it’s a struggle out there.