Summer and Winter Olympics

Daily writing prompt
What Olympic sports do you enjoy watching the most?

With the summer one coming up, I enjoy watching swimming the first week and athletics the next. I also enjoy watching soccer, basketball (especially when Team USA wins a gold), field hockey, handball, table tennis, triathlon, and rhythmic gymnastics

On the winter games, my favorites are alpine skiing, figure skating, hockey (especially USA v Canada), curling, bobsledding, and biathlon

I can’t pick one

Daily writing prompt
What’s your favorite candy?

I have a bunch. I like, in no particular order

  • Reese’s
  • M&M’s (Milk Chocolate, no peanuts)
  • Kit-Kat
  • Hershey’s
  • Twix (both left and right)
  • Smarties
  • Tootsie Rolls (and the lollipops)
  • Skittles
  • Ferrero Rocher

At 34…

Daily writing prompt
What were your parents doing at your age?

Interesting question, considering that my parents are close in age (my mom is 61, my dad is 60). But at 34, they both already had me and my siblings. Mom had already moved to Florida to work for a couple of companies while my Dad stayed back in New York to eventually work behind the scenes in film. Overall, not much different from me, except I don’t have kids, but it’s fine.

POV: Your To-Do List is Never Ending

Daily writing prompt
Something on your “to-do list” that never gets done.

I’m pretty sure I have a bunch of things that I’m supposed to do that I barely or even never do (but they’re there anyway). Among them

Editing videos (I don’t have a set deadline for those, but as new material pops up daily…)

I’m still in a process of picking a song with another person to represent the United States in an online song contest, and that is due Monday (we’ve already made our personal choices, but we have yet to make an actual decision)

I didn’t want to do my laundry today, but I’m doing that now

I have yet to put up the next episode of my Pokemon Violet Adventures and I have yet to work on a series of blog posts that I will be scheduling for April and May

It’s a lot, but I will get them done… eventually.

My First Computer

Daily writing prompt
Write about your first computer.

I’m gonna be showing my age here, but my mom used to have a Windows 95 computer and a MSDOS, so my brother and I did a lot of things on the MSDOS computer. My first actual computer experience was when I had to share a Windows 98 computer with my sister. It’s been about 25 years since my first computer, but I feel like it has shaped my view on the type of computers I like.

Currently, I have a Dell Laptop running on Windows 10, so that’s quite a journey

Favorite Animal

Bloganuary writing prompt
What is your favorite animal?

I guess this would be another post where I turn to you to find out your favorite animals.

I’m pretty basic, so my favorite is the usual dog and cat. Both provide companionship. Dogs really are man’s best friends and they are loyal to the end. Cats don’t need much but they also provide so much companionship.

Fun things

Bloganuary writing prompt
List five things you do for fun.

Pokemon — playing the game, watching tournaments, watching these pulls streams where the host pulls cards for people to ship out

Video editing — I recently picked it up and I loved it. I may show off a few short clips in the future

Eurovision — following the artists, listening to the entries (reviews coming in April), even taking part in fanmade contests

Tap Color Pro — I’ve played mobile games over the years, and this seems to be the only one that sticks (I tried with Bingo games lol)

This last one depends on whether you call it fun or now, but I love going on TikTok just to scroll. I don’t post there often, but I’m active in other areas.

My Pikachu Doll

Bloganuary writing prompt
Describe an item you were incredibly attached to as a youth. What became of it?

I got this Pikachu doll in 1998 when I was 9. Before I got this doll, I was already playing Pokemon Yellow. Since then, I have:

Watched the anime (up until the beginning of the Hoenn adventures)

Played Gen 1 (and remakes)

Played Gen 2 (and remakes)

Played Gen 3 (and remakes)

Played Gen 6

Played Gen 7

Played Gen 9 (currently, as I’m about to face the Elite 4)

Bought some Pokemon Cards (tho they’re Gen 6)

Started playing Pokemon Trading Card Game Live (on hiatus from that, but I might pick it back up)

Downloaded some apps (including Pokemon Sleep, Pokemon Home, and a couple of Pokedex apps)

Started watching tournaments (I just watched the most recent one in Charlotte and I’m planning on watching the Liverpool one this upcoming weekend)

Basically, if you still got a childhood love, go for it, show it off, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise

What is my mission?

Bloganuary writing prompt
What is your mission?

I have several, but it all boils down to being more confident, eventually making excellent blog posts (not just the ones I’m making right now), and finding more answers about my neurodivergence.

If you have a mission, drop it in the comments below